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Protecting the Pups

Founder and Partner at Sutliff & Stout, Hank Stout, is happy to announce a new vehicle safety campaign aimed at protecting man’s best friend. This initiative is aimed at promoting vehicle safety steps when traveling with your pet dog through education and supplying pet owners with the tools necessary to make that happen. 

To keep your pet safe, Sutliff & Stout would like to provide you with a FREE pet vehicle safety leash to protect your furry family member. Supplies are limited at this time, so sign up fast using the button above.

7.2 Million Dogs
in the State of Texas
1.2 Million Dogs
in the City of Houston
unrestrained dogs are involved in accidents each year per the FDA
Only 16%
of people use safety restraints while traveling with their pet

Rooted in Data

While serving Texans across this great state, we have seen our fair share of accidents. The Sutliff & Stout legal team of Texas-based accident lawyers has worked with countless clients across a range of tragic and preventable situations.

Many of our cases over the years have involved beloved family pets falling victim to the same fates as some of our clients. We love our pets here, and like you, we want to do everything we can to protect them.

A study from the team at Volvo sparked a conversation internally for us. The study looked into the safety practices and the inherent dangers associated with traveling with your pet in a vehicle. The investigation found that a dog that is placed in a moving vehicle engages in 649 unsafe behaviors that can distract a driver. When the animal is restrained, that total drops to 274 unsafe behaviors

An unrestricted dog is a risk of causing a distracted driver and worse. According to an American Automobile Association (AAA) survey, an unrestricted pet involved in an auto accident can be deadly for the pet and those around them. 

  • An unrestricted 10-lb dog involved in a 50-mph motor vehicle accident carries a striking force of 500 lbs.
  • An 80-lb dog involved in a slower 30-mph car crash can exert a striking force of up to 2,400 lbs.

Restricting a pet’s movement in a moving vehicle can go a long way in keeping everyone safe.

Expert Recommendation

Local veterinarian Catherine Powell, DVM of Home Care Pet, stresses that even a simple safety leash is critical in keeping you and your family safe on the road.

“Seatbelts and other vehicle restraints have saved countless lives. This simple safety tool can help keep your pet safe while traveling. Securing your pet while driving is a great way to keep you and your pet safe.”


Free Pet Vehicle Safety Leash

We want to make sure all members of your family travel safely.

To help reduce the risk of accidents in a moving vehicle, Sutliff & Stout is offering these vehicle safety leashes to members of our community 100% for FREE. To ensure you receive yours, click the button below to reserve your leash now. We highly encourage interested parties to put in a reservation for a leash fast. Supplies are limited at this time.

I want a FREE pet vehicle safety leash!

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    Houston Office (713) 405-1263 550 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 530 Houston, TX 77027
    Austin Office (512) 616-2222 9433 Bee Cave Road Building III, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78733
    Marble Falls Office (830) 201-1111 705 US 281, Suite 200 Marble Falls, TX 78654
    San Angelo Office (325) 340-4000 202 W Beauregard Ave San Angelo, TX 76903
    Cypress Office (713) 987-7111 17302 House & Hahl Rd Suite 210, Cypress, TX 77433