While serving Texans across this great state, we have seen our fair share of accidents. The Sutliff & Stout legal team of Texas-based accident lawyers has worked with countless clients across a range of tragic and preventable situations.
Many of our cases over the years have involved beloved family pets falling victim to the same fates as some of our clients. We love our pets here, and like you, we want to do everything we can to protect them.
A study from the team at Volvo sparked a conversation internally for us. The study looked into the safety practices and the inherent dangers associated with traveling with your pet in a vehicle. The investigation found that a dog that is placed in a moving vehicle engages in 649 unsafe behaviors that can distract a driver. When the animal is restrained, that total drops to 274 unsafe behaviors.
An unrestricted dog is a risk of causing a distracted driver and worse. According to an American Automobile Association (AAA) survey, an unrestricted pet involved in an auto accident can be deadly for the pet and those around them.
- An unrestricted 10-lb dog involved in a 50-mph motor vehicle accident carries a striking force of 500 lbs.
- An 80-lb dog involved in a slower 30-mph car crash can exert a striking force of up to 2,400 lbs.
Restricting a pet’s movement in a moving vehicle can go a long way in keeping everyone safe.