As a Passenger, Can I sue the Driver in a Car Accident? 

What happens when you find yourself injured in a car accident as a passenger? What if the at-fault party was the driver in the car you were in? Can you sue the opposing driver if the driver of another vehicle caused the crash?

In all these scenarios, you, the victim of a car accident, have the right to sue for injuries and damages. Whether that be the driver of the vehicle you were in, the opposing driver, or both, it doesn’t matter. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident because of the negligence of another, you have the right to try and recover compensation.

Common accidents that result in passenger injury include but are not limited to: 


What Kind of Injuries Can a Passenger Suffer in a Car Accident? 


The severity of an injury will depend greatly on the type of accident a passenger was involved in and where in the vehicle the individual was sitting. For example, a person sitting in the backseat of a four-person car may be more vulnerable to whiplash as the vehicle collides with the opposing car.

Due to the variety of types of accidents, determining the single most likely or common injury to occur is not practical. However, there are several injuries commonly associated with accidents, including: 

  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Whiplash
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Fatality


What if The At-Fault Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance? 

According to Texas state law, anyone operating a motor vehicle must have insurance. Unfortunately, thousands of Texans each year find that many drivers go without insurance.

Following a crash, recovering compensation from an uninsured driver can become difficult. Filing a claim with an insurance provider and pursuing compensation via insurance is faster than filing a lawsuit against a private individual and suing for damages. 

One option some use when injured by an uninsured motorist is attempting to file a claim with their insurance policy. Some people carry uninsured motorist coverage as part of their insurance policy. This allows you to pursue coverage in the event of being hit by such a party. It’s recommended to consult with your legal counsel regarding all available options before filing any lawsuit.


When in Doubt, Contact an Expert Car Accident Lawyer

Filing a claim through an insurance provider is designed to be confusing and complicated. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not paying out claims. If you find yourself the victim of an accident that you did not cause, it’s highly recommended that you consult with a legal professional Sutliff & Stout. 

The lawyers at Sutliff & Stout Injury & Accident Law Firm have over 50+ years of combined legal experience. Since we opened our doors in 2007, we have successfully represented hundreds, if not thousands, of Texans. In that time, our legal counsel has recovered over $1 billion for our clients. 

If you’re ready to pursue compensation after someone unjustly injures you in an auto accident, contact the Cypress car accident lawyers at Sutliff & Stout Law Firm. Our team is available 24/7 and offers 100% free case consultations.

Hank Stout
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