What is a Catastrophic Injury?

Man wearing a neck brace following a catastrophic injury. Title text on image reads "What is a Catastrophic Injury?"

The work of a personal injury lawyer can be wide reaching and often confusing. In many cases, defining the parameters of a case can be difficult. One such parameter is what is considered a catastrophic injury?

In short, personal injury law is a subset of civil law that aids to protect people who have been harmed or have been negatively affected due to the negligence of another. 

Catastrophic injuries are considered a severe subset of injuries. These injuries are typically afflictions that will affect the victim long-term. In extreme situations, these injuries can even be life-altering or permanent. These injuries often include damage to the brain, spinal cord, and amputations. Other such examples of severe catastrophic injuries can include but are not limited too:


  • Severe Burns: A burn that leaves a large, lasting scar can effect not only the victims physical health but can also alter their emotional state. 
  • Major Internal Organ Damage: Internal organ injuries can lead to prolonged medical care and life-long effects. These injuries must be treated by a medical professional. 
  • Traumatic Brain Injury: TBIs are often connected with spinal cord injuries. Injuries could include but are not limited to: loss of cognitive function, memory loss, and reduced motor function
  • Disfigurement: These injuries often include burn victims but can also expand to include amputee victims. These injuries can have a prolonged impact and negatively affect both the physical and emotional health of the victim. 
  • Paralysis: Often stemming from an injury to the spinal cord, paralysis related injuries can be quite debilitating for the victim. Tetraplegia/Quadriplegia, paralysis affecting use of both the four main limbs and the body, are often considered catastrophic in nature. Paraplegia, or paralysis of only the lower limbs/lower body, can also be considered catastrophic in many definitions. 

In the state of Texas, catastrophic injuries are often regarded as life-altering injuries that result in extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and prolonged medical attention. These types of injuries can also prevent the victim from returning to their life pre-accident.

While there are parameters that help to structure what can be considered a catastrophic injury, there is no single definition. These tragedies are left open to debate on a case by case basis. 

How Catastrophic Injuries Impact Compensation

When large settlements or verdicts occur in connection with personal injury cases, oftentimes catastrophic injuries are involved. When cases involve these injuries, difficult evaluations have to be made about the injury and the life-long impact they will have on the victim. The representing attorney will need to review a litany of factors regarding the accident. Evaluating the cost of future care, as well as other contributing factors, is critical when determining proper compensation for the accident.

For example, medical expenses can quickly rise if multiple surgeries, rehab therapy, and other advanced practices are involved. Pain & suffering also needs to be accounted for. The turmoil of an accident can be taxing on an individual leading to emotional trauma.

If the accident caused the victim to miss time from work, or even worse, lose their ability to earn an income, this will also need to be evaluated. Future earnings and a recovery of lost earnings should be calculated as part of a compensation demand. 

Finding the Right Attorney

Having an attorney that understands the details that come with catastrophic injury cases will be critical to the success of your case. Finding an experienced catastrophic injury attorney will significantly aide anyone facing these challenges on their own.

With over a billion dollars recovered for our clients, Sutliff & Stout has represented countless victims of catastrophic injury accidents. 

Contact the law offices of Sutliff & Stout today for a 100% free consultation regarding your accident. 

Hank Stout
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